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Anthology of Sacred Song - Volume 1 - Soprano

Anthology of Sacred Song - Volume 1 - Soprano

Price: $24.99
SKU:  1001-50325780^50325780
Manufacturer Part #:  50325780
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Contents: Bach: My heart ever faithful · Sighing, weeping, sorrow, need - Beethoven: What sorrow pierceth the righteous David's heart?..Praise ye Jehovah's goodness - Benedict: I mourn as a dove - Blumner: Unfaithful heart!..Thou sittest on Thy judgment-seat - Costa: Open unto me the gates of righteousness..I will extol Thee, O Lord! - Cowen: O peaceful night!..Say, what dost thou bear in the secret deep? - Gaul: These are they, which came out of great tribulation · Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear - Handel: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! · How beautiful are the feet · Come unto Him, all ye that labor · I know that my Redemmer liveth · Subtle Love, with fancy viewing · My father! Ah! me-thinks I see · Ye sacred priests..Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods · Oh! had I Jubal's lyre · Pious orgies, pious airs · The soft complaining flute · Let the bright Seraphim · I know the pangs that cleave the bleeding heart..Beneath the cypress' gloomy shade - Haydn: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass.. With verdure clad the fields appear · And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly..On mighty pens uplifted soars · O welcome now, ye groves and bowr's..O how pleasing to the senses - Hiller: Hail, David, our deliv'rer!..They fled, the gloomy powers - Lange: How beautiful are Thy dwellings, O Lord - Massenet: 'Tis in vain that I seek a retreat..'Twas even here those words were spoken - Mendelssohn: Hear Ye, Israel! Hear what the Lord speaketh · Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Thou that killest the prophets - Mercadante: Thousands of sins oppress me - Molique: I will extol Thee, my God - Parry: I will sing unto the Lord a new song - Pugno: Yea, mystery supreme by the tomb is concealed..Thou, to Whom Galilee kneeleth - Reinthaler: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? - Rubinstein: Tho' all triumphant the heav'nly powers - Spohr: Hast Thou for me a look, a thought?..When this scene of trouble closes - Sullivan: My Redeemer and my Lord · Where have they laid Him?..Lord, why hidest Thou Thy face? - C.M. von Weber: Yet not alone of labor comes our plenty..Then does mem'ry turn to days · The gracious Father hears us when we call..Once more we see the good by God provided.
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